
Humans Wanted: A SF Anthology

Created by Vivian Caethe

When going somewhere dangerous, take a human.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Submissions due Dec. 31! (not Dec 1)
over 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:48:26 PM

So far we have received just shy of 200 submissions, many of which are absolutely fanfriggintastic. The authors' inventiveness and skill are really showing through, and I can't wait to share the very best of these stories with you. 

That being said, I realized I had made a derp on the original Kickstarter. It said that submissions will be due on Dec 1. This is incorrect. Submissions are due by midnight on Dec 31, so you still have a little over a month to finish and submit those delicious, delicious stories.

The cover is coming along nicely and I can't wait to share that with you as well!


Still chugging along!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 09:18:43 PM

This is the boring part of the anthology process where  I read submissions and wait for the deadline so I can make my final decisions. 

So far I have received a little over 150 submissions, many of which are absolutely amazing. I cannot wait to share some of these stories with you and I also can't wait to see what stories I get in the next two months. Some of them are funny, some are heartwrenching, some are just plain awesome. It is definitely going to be hard to select only ten. 

I'll check in with everyone closer to the end of the submissions deadline, but for now I wanted to let you all know I was still alive and still going through the slush pile!



Submissions Are Being Read!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 09:27:17 AM

Hello everyone! Just dropping in to let you know that I've been reading submissions and I've been getting a lot of awesome stories. So far I've received about 60 submissions! The ones that don't fit I have rejected, but those that do fit, I have been saving for the next round of reading which will happen in January after I've received and reviewed all the submissions leading up to the cut off date of Dec. 31. 

For those of you who are submitting stories, please remember that I am requesting a PG-13 rating. I am also sticking closely to my submissions guidelines, so please review them before submitting to make sure they apply to your story. 

I have recently come across a term which may prove useful when submitting: NobleBright. Unlike Grimdark, NobleBright takes the brave and true things about human nature and spotlights them in a world that needs them. These stories are not necessarily all pollyanna, but they are definitely optimistic and hopeful. This term, at best, describes what I'm looking for in these stories. To me, the original post by iztarshi reminds me of all the things we can accomplish as humans, rather than all the things we can destroy. 

Some people have commented on a resemblance between the post that inspired this anthology and one I've seen going around about humans as space orcs (this one, nsfw swears). Although both are delightful in their own ways, I feel like the one iztarshi wrote will make for a more optimistic science fiction and break from the trend of "humans as virus" on the universe. 

That being said, I've been delighted to see what you all have come up with so far, and I am excited to see the stories that are being written now. 

Again, be sure to get them to me by December 31. I can't wait to read them. And I can't wait to share the ones that shine the most with my backers.



Surveys sent!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 05, 2016 at 10:39:16 PM

Surveys have been sent! Hooray!

If you have not received one, don't worry! I'll be double checking whether they have sent over the next 24 hours and push through the surveys that have not yet been sent. If you have received a double survey, it's all right, it all links to the same place, so you don't have to fill it out twice. 

Don't worry if you are moving or have to change your information before the books get shipped. I won't lock the surveys down until early next year, which will give you enough time to make the changes you need to. 

By Thursday 8/11, if you haven't received a survey, let me know if you haven't received one, and we'll troubleshoot. You can also recover your survey at 

For those of you who missed out on the Kickstarter, pre-orders are also live here: 

Thank you all so much! 


Humans Wanted: Submissions Guidelines!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 02, 2016 at 11:19:40 PM

Word limit: 3000-6000 words. 

Pay rate: $250/story 

Genre: Science Fiction only (no Fantasy, Steampunk or Horror, although horror elements may be present in the story). 

Language: English (translations are welcome). 

Submissions open: August 1, 2016 

Submissions close: December 31, 2016 

Rights: We claim first world English rights (no reprints). For an excellent break down of what this means, please see Neil Clarke’s post here

When going somewhere dangerous, take a human. Humans are tough. Humans can last days without food. Humans heal so quickly, they pierce holes in themselves or inject ink under their epidermis for fun. Humans will walk for days on broken bones in order to make it to safety. Humans will literally cut off bits of themselves if trapped by a disaster.

You would be amazed what humans will do to survive. Or to ensure the survival of others they feel responsible for. 

That's the other thing. Humans pack-bond, and they spill their pack-bonding instincts everywhere. Sure it's weird when they talk sympathetically to broken spaceships or try to pet every lifeform that scans as non-toxic. It's even a little weird that just existing in the same place as them for long enough seems to make them care about you. 

But if you're hurt, if you're trapped, if you need someone to fetch help? You really want a human. 

(Thanks to Tumblr user iztarshi for the idea and the above copy. Used with permission)

I am looking for stories that show diverse humanity in a positive light, as useful contributors to the universe. I want humans who build relationships and forge new paths, not humans that destroy or devastate those they meet. Submit stories with strong characters in positive stories that portray humans as useful and generally helpful to the universe. Diversity is encouraged. 

Any type of science fiction is acceptable (whether it be “hard” or “soft,” “space opera” or “near-future” etc.). Keep your story PG-13 so many readers can enjoy the anthology. 

Writers of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to submit.

Send your stories formatted in Standard Manuscript format attached as a .doc to humanswanted at gmail dot com. Include your name, byline, email address, mailing address, and approximate word count.